Saturday, July 3, 2010

Cameron Highlands

-The villa

It's been quite some time since i've updated my blog, but since the last update i've taken a whole lot of photos just waiting to be processed and also uploaded. I'll start this post off with the Cameron Highlands trip I went to organized by my school's librarian board. I arrived in school where we were suppose to meet and I was one of the early birds with Hui Wen and Janice there too. Not long after everyone else arrived and we were soon on our way to Cameron Highlands on the bus. The bus ride was probably around 3 hours long and it was boring. I wasn't feeling great that morning and I just slept instead of talking for the most of the ride. We finally arrived at our 'villa' and I was actually a bit disappointed because I expected it to be colder than that. Haha oh well, guess global warming isn't a hoax after all eh? We then checked in and I shared rooms with Aziz, Aiman, Amin, Adrie and these other two form 3 kids. The room was fairly big and we had a small little tv with HBO and some other crappy channels. Haha and the girl's room(hor mun, hor qian, hui wen, janice, farah, lu kim, poh choo) opposite mine had no tv at all. They honestly weren't missing out on much though. ;)

After chilling out for a while lunch soon was ready. Rice packed with some chicken and vegetables and we were given a box drink, I took chrysanthemum. Sat with with hui wen, janice, hor mun, hor qian and a couple others. I didn't really feel like eating at that time and I barely finished finished my lunch. Just ate it for the sake of not getting gastric, hahas. =P After our lunch we then got the bus and went to the Rose Farm. The tickets were kinda expensive so we didn't bother to go except for the teachers, Pn. Hamizawati, En. Ishak En. Rashid I think? Along with the new afternoon session teacher whose name i'm not sure. So we all just kinda hang around the shops near the rose farm and before I forget to mention, at this point of time I realized EVERYTHING Cameron Highlands is all based around strawberries. That's right, strawberries. I'm guessing its because Cameron Highlands is one of the few places with a suitable climate to grow strawberries. Too bad I don't really like strawberries. Anyway there was a stall at the Rose Farm selling herbal boiled eggs. Hor mun and her sister and everyone was buying it. I was kind of tempted to buy it too, but at that time I didn't really have an appetite to eat anything at all. We just kinda walked around and chill until it started raining and we all gathered on the bus again. Next stop, Strawberry farm, where a dramatic event occured.

We reached the strawberry farm after a 30 min ride or so. My legs were hurting like crap because it was bruised by paintball shots I got a couple days before when I went to play paintball with my friends. Walking up the hill to reach the plantation itself was a battle itself and it certainly wasn't helping my dislike towards strawberries. At the top there were some shops selling all kinds of strawberry food and drinks, from strawberry pan cakes to fruit drinks and milk shakes. I got myself a pure strawberry drink for the heck of it since everyone else was getting a strawberry drink as well. Hey, how often do I go to Cameron Highlands? Anyway after walking around checking out the place we saw a commotion outside one of the shops. Rushing there to see what was happening, it turned out this girl was stung by a bee. She was in tears and looked like it really hurt though I couldn't even see the sting. Haha and guess what? I'm a St.John member(an inactive one at that, mind you), so I decided to hand the job Hui Ying. Hui Ying answered the call of duty as a St.John member and rushed to the girls aid. Forgive me, but I could barely refrain myself from laughing when she just told the victim's mom to take out the sting and apply pressure. And then immediately take her to the clinic. Looking back, I know it wasn't good to laugh, but hey, at least I resisted it right? Oh, and Mei Xuan was also subtly recording the whole dramatic event as it unfold. We then walked back to the bus and visited a butterfly/cactus/animals and insects farm.

After a 20mins ride we arrived there and bought the tickets. We went inside the butterfly farm that was filled with butterflies. It was cool. Saw a couple of butterflies going at it. Haha I decided to try to capture a butterfly landing on a flower while showing movement of its wings. After a few tries this is what I got. The picture is barely satisfactory technically wise because the eyes of the butterfly wasn't sharp, i'm guessing its probably due to the fact that I was using a slow shutter speed, hand holding the camera and the butterfly was moving. I liked the moment though, so I guess it scores a point in that. We then left the butterfly farm and walked past some giant cactus to a section where they displayed snakes and tarantulas. Seen them before and I tried to get some shots but non were satisfactory as I only had my 18-55mm with me so getting up close was hard and the glass of the container was very, very dirty. Not to mention the lighting was bad as well. We after that went back to the bus and went to out next destination.

We arrived at the market and it was already hitting 5 p.m. The first half of the trip was almost over and I haven't gotten a satisfactory shot. We were to meet at the police station opposite the market and I decided to split up from the group to be able to concentrate better on what's going on. I wanted to capture some candid shots and also the emotions and atmosphere of the busy evening market. I got some shots but they weren't really satisfactory. After 30 mins of walking and not getting the shot I wanted, I decided to take a break and get myself something to eat. Bought a pan cake for a mere RM1.50 if I remembered correctly. I soon met up with Hor Mun and Hor Qian and we walked together. While chatting we stopped at a 'kuih kak' stall and decided to share a packet. While Hor mun and her sister was ordering a packet. I looked around and saw a nearby hotel lit by the sun as it sets. I quickly took a few exposures of it and I got what I visualized. Using the crowd as a foreground interest, I exposed for the hotel and took the shot. Satisfied we decided to walk back to where we were supposed to meet as it was getting late already. We hopped on the bus and went back to the villa.

That night after eating our dinner which consisted of rice and chicken with some mixed vegetables again, hor mun, her sister, hui wen, janice, adrie and me decided to go for a walk. By night it was getting abit chilly we just relaxed and chatted. After that I went to the girls room with Jun Xiang also known as fat donald, hahas and Joshua and we told ghost stories. It was fun until we made too much noise and one of the teacher came in and told us all to go back to our rooms as we weren't even suppose to be in the girls room past 11 o'clock and it was 1 something in the morning at that time. C'mon we weren't doing anything but telling ghost stories. =P So we did go back and I went to sleep.

A bucket on a fence at the villa

I woke up around 6.20 the next morning and quickly took a shower with the pail and water. You must think I would be crazy to shower in the chilly morning of Cameron Highlands, but surprisingly the villa provided really hot water so it wasn't really a problem. I then went down with Aziz and Adrie to try to capture the sun rise. I got some shots of the sun rise but they weren't good though. I also got some protrait shots of Joshua and Jun Xiang who soon joined us. and also some shots of the pond and the small farm at the villa. After our breakfast we packed our bags and checked out from the hotel.

The first stop of the day was the morning market. We arrived there too late and it was already close so we all decided to just hang around there and chat. Our next stop was the BOH tea plantation. It was chilly up there. And while we were walking down the hill to the nearby small stream at the tea plantation I hear belched really loud. Thinking it was Jun Xiang or something I turned around and said 'Hey!'. Little did I realize that it was actually a stranger. The man just stared at me not looking too happy. I quickly tried to cover it up by asking Jun Xiang to take off the jacket he was wearing because it was a for a girl. Poor dude, sorry for that Jun Xiang! xD Hor Mun and Hor Qian were laughing hysterically over the situation I got myself in. == Anyway the man soon walked off and I continued following the rest down to the stream embarassed.

After reaching the steam we walked back up and had lunch at the cafe near the tea plantation. I had a packet of nasi lemak and a 'teh tarik' float. After that we hopped on the bus and started the trip back to KL. We had one more stop though, on the way back we stopped at a nearby waterfall and decided to just take a dip in wetting our pants. Too bad it started drizzling quite heavily soon and we had to get back on the bus.

We arrived back at school around 6 p.m. It's a pity the trip was so short, but I certainly had fun with all my friends though. Till we meet again, Cameron.

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