Tuesday, September 7, 2010

This is Thailand

The bustling capital of Thailand is the city that never sleeps of asia.

I walked out of the airport and was welcomed with vehicles of all colours from pink to blue to even green, looking as if I suddenly emerged into a land of rainbow. These colorful vehicles play a major role in making the country's capital's economy go round. However, with the political tensions in the country as well as the riots that took dozens of lives of both citizens and government troops, its tourism industry has taken a blow. Ironically, the riots by the people supposedly to improve their country is in fact destroying the country it self. "See the Philipine tourists, girl very nice." My taxi driver quipped while speeding down the highway well past the speed limit to be able to squeeze as many trips as possible for foreigners arriving from the airport. "Tonight got bomb in the city, police will close one kilometer." I look at him incredulously obviously more than a bit taken aback by the sudden statement. Following the current end of the deadly riots, small bombs have been set off including a grenade attack on a bank in Bangkok. Though the riots that involved the 'Red Shirts', supporters of the ousted ex-prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra and the government troops may be over for now, the damage has already been done, with the seeds of anger and dissatisfaction already planted into the hearts of the people of Thailand. The 'Red Shirts' support the ousted prime minister and are fighting to reform the government following the coup after Thaksin was accused of corruption, ultimately leading to the deadly division of the country, the people and the government. Now a fugitive, the government has issued out a warrant for his arrest on charges of terrorism. Beside the obvious lack of tourists compared to the time before the riots, the life of the people of Bangkok goes on despite the obvious tension as everyone still has to make a living whether they like it or not.
Red window

A woman works to earn a living

A grateful girl

A man tending to his food stall at Chatuchak

A construction worker having a smoke break

Small girls playing the violin to earn some money

A blind man singing

I had to go through a security check point in one of Bangkok's subway train station before I could take the train to Chatuchak market. A sprawling area of stores selling food, drinks, imitations of clothes brands, toys and other general items. The place was crowded with people and it was huge. One could even get lost in the massive bustling market. I spent a couple of hours wondering around the market when I came across a blind man singing into into a microphone with a wooden rather old designed speaker attached to him. I took as many photos as I could without interrupting or getting in his way. I then bought a bottle of water and gave him the change although he didn't accept the water. With hundreds of sellers, buyers and quite a few tourists at the market, one could spent hours there just taking it all in.
Pain in her eyes

Singing for his life

The next day was followed by a trip to two temples and the Ruin City. The ruin city was indeed great, with remnants of the past city left over. The city was Thailand's capital in the past although now all that remains of it are rubble as the only sign that it even existed. The second temple had many statues of Buddha showing the worn of age and weather against it. At the feet of a big golden statue, people were sticking coins onto the feet made of stone.
The knowledgeable statue


Remnants of the past

Leaves of the past

Ruined city

Two towers

Still standing against time

Believing that it showed a sign of your spiritual power, it was indeed something to ponder about. Many people also climb a long stairs up a ruined temple into a dark room with a well like hole in the middle surrounded by statues of Buddha. They would then drop coins into the hole through the wooden barriers believing it would bring them luck. For a small fee of 50baht (RM5.00) you could buy a packet of small thing slips of gold surfaced paper to stick on the statues of Buddha. The money from the fee goes into the donation fund for the upkeep of the temple.
From the top of the canal

Reading alone

A fisherman retrieving his net in the canal

A caught in hand

Our guide then took us to the small jetty where they have tours around one of the many canals in Bangkok. I have never quite experienced anything like it, with people living side by side in houses right next to the canal. Though most of the people living there were from the lower class of Bangkok, they seemed content with their life. Fishing with a couple of friends by the canal and children swimming along the canal next to a big waterproof electric cable. The life here is easy going, obviously not affected by the pressure and stress of the bustling capital. There were even people on row boats selling things from souvenirs to drinks. One came by and we bought a can of Thai beer for our driver. He was very grateful for it as the people here never take anything for granted as the rest of our society has. It really does make me wonder, is living freely and happily better than having all the riches in the world but have your mental and emotional freedom restricted and affected from the pressures of life. Of how the idea being successful has been shaped by our society that its all about money and power. These small number of people living by the canal certainly serves as a reminder as to how life is a lot more than just money and power. Unfortunately, it is those two things that has caused such a colorful and vibrant country much harm to itself, following the civil unrest and the anger that still lives on in many of the people's hearts. Still, life for the people still has to go on though and it is an obstacle the people of Thailand has to overcome themselves as one. If you go there now though you won't see much of the difference the riots has caused as even the bustling life in Bangkok can't be put on hold for the problems that the country is dealing with because after all, this is Thailand.

The new, the old and the unknown

Photos by Lucas Yap Shau Wei

Writen by Lucas Yap Shau Wei

P.S. Do leave a comment and your opinion.


  1. since when did you become so deep?
    haha love it man. the words, the photos, the everything. i like the last photo best though, really seems to have something to it :)

  2. Hahas thanks! xD Just trying out photo journalism haha :P

  3. PZZT. i dont know much about photoshop, but just wondering.. what if you use that erm.. hue/saturation thing instead of black and white? something like the faded effect thingymajig...

  4. faded effect thingymajig? 0.o Hahas what do you mean? xD If you're talking about the saturation/hue of the others colors and not black and white, then you can actually controst the saturation of certain colors as well. For example if you want your red to be more saturated in the photo you can increase the saturation slide for red. :)
