Wednesday, September 14, 2011

BW at night


While reading 'The making of 40 photographs' by Ansel Adams lent to me by Uncle Cheah, I came across the photo Moonrise at Hernandez, Mexico. It caught me totally by surprise and I honestly admired the picture a lot. Taken at the last light of day, practically at night, it was a moon rise shot and certainly one of a kind. I loved the photo and the feeling it gave out. It was unlike any other black and white landscape shots I've seen. Since then, I've been inspired to take black and white nights shots as well and I finally found the chance while in Tasmania Island.

Taking black and white shots at night needed a different way of seeing than from taking it in the day time. I found that for myself, you had to use whatever artificial light there was and balance it out with the rest of the photo. Of course, the shot would have a lot of blacks in it, but with enough light to show details at vital parts of the photo it would work out. Or it should anyway, haha. For myself, I found it a bit like a delicate balance between the dark and the light available. And when done correctly, the mood it gave off to me was somewhat nostalgic in a sense. Some of them gave off a dark and lonely feeling, while another one would be a bit more fulfilling. The different approach needed to take these shots was a very rewarding experience and opened a whole new realm for me in black and white photography.

Waiting for the fish

Evening lights

Ferry Service, Tasmania island

Written by Lucas Yap S.W.

Photos by Lucas Yap S.W.

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