Monday, August 15, 2011

Commonly satisfying

I finally got a new tripod after losing my own quite a while back and decided to get to know it better by using it to photograph the moon last night. Just a pretty simple common moon photo, nothing spectacular though I would say it's an improvement over my first moon shot. However, I still find it rather gratifying after cropping the photo to see the moon in such detail. The only time I remembered seeing the moon this close myself was with a telescope. When I was a kid I always thought that since the moon is so far, you would really need some expensive 'high tech' gadget to take such a close shot of the moon. To be able to do it myself with relative ease brings me great satisfaction to my childhood wonders. Sure, I can search up 'moon shots' with google and be spoilt for choice with tens of thousands of similar and even better photos to choose from but this is my moon shot and there's none like it from me.

Also, I'll be going to a short trip to Australia for six days to attend my brothers graduation and will be staying at Tasmania island for a night. It's one heck of a short trip, but hopefully the time will be fully spent productively with my camera and I will get at least a shot or two that gives me the 'That's it right there' feeling. See you soon!

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